The story of Dragon Ball Z said in fun, chibi-piece ... Episode 2 -. "Delivery vs. Semi-Perfect Cell Vegeta" Vegeta and Trunks emerge eventually out of the room hyperbolic time, ready to do battle with the phone. Vegeta makes some unhealthy choices when it finally meets up with his mortal enemy, and we even more about what's happening in the House Hyperbolic Time, and ... Orange juice? oo .. Starring: GokuFan2000 - Goku UltimateDBZFan2000 - Trunks, Piccolo Shallirica - Chromegloss55 Gohan - VegetaCell, narrator, Android 17, Popo Want to keep up with updates for Chibi Adventures? So make sure to click on the links below! Deviant Art: TWITTER FORMSPRING.ME: Dragon Ball Z is copyrighted by Akira Toriyama, FUNimation, Toei Animation, etc. Please support the official release. Copyright protection for musical works Faulconer Productions.